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    Walmart Omni Merchandising Supplier
    Walmart Omni Merchandising Supplier

    Sam Walton founded Walmart to bring quality, affordable products to people. He put the customer first, building a strong company with dedicated associates and deeply rooted values of service to the customer, respect for the individual, striving for excellence and acting with integrity.

    Walmart’s thousands of suppliers source food, apparel, household goods and other merchandise from more than 100 countries or regions around the world. Cascading our values throughout the entire supply chain can have a tremendous impact: our customers get better-quality products, the people who grow, manufacture and sell products for us get the dignity and respect they deserve, and Walmart and our suppliers win and maintain customer trust.

    Walmart cannot do this alone. As a supplier, you have a cooperative relationship with the manufacturers whose products we sell. We expect you and all manufacturers in your supply chain to adhere to the contents and principles of these Supplier Standards. We want to do business with suppliers that engage with us, acknowledge where they are falling short, and own what they do with a sense of urgency and pride. We will do the same in return. Together we make our supply chain more responsible, and lead and inspire others to make theirs more responsible too. We wish to thank you for all you have done for Walmart and our customers.

    ——Message from the President and CEO of Walmart China
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